Snow Ordinance

Board Meeting 3/12/2025

Village Seal

Village Board Meeting Page

Set date and time for regular meetings, and hearings: The 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7pm and the Last Wednesday of each month at 6pm as needed (except on holidays, then it will be the Wednesday prior). Village Board meetings will be held at the Village Hall – 2582 South Avenue. Local Law #3…

Parks & Recreation

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Make Saint Patrick’s Day morning special with a free printable leprechaun letter and coloring pages for your wee one(s)! Just click on the link below and enter your information. Liam the Leprechaun Letter Veteran’s Park Mesier Park Franny Reese Park Eugene Darrigan Park Temple Park – Click here for Gov. Hochul’s Comprehensive Soil Test Announcement…

Highway Department

VILLAGE OF WAPPINGERS FALLS SPRING BRUSH PICK UP Village of Wappingers Falls Brush Pick Up will begin on Monday, April 14, 2025-Monday, November 3, 2025 (Weather Permitting). Brush pickup will be on Mondays unless it is a holiday. Make sure your brush is out the night before. We will pick up grass clippings and leaves…

Village Treasurer

A Letter from the Treasurer Regarding the Budget LINK TO PAY TAX BILLS (effective: 6/1/2024)   The Village Treasurer’s main responsibilities include establishing the Village’s financial accounting and reporting systems. The Treasurer is the custodian of all village moneys, and must account to the Board and New York State for all moneys received, expended, and…

Village Clerk

Questions relative to taxes or any finance related issues call: 845-297-8773 X 4 or email: Questions relative to Residential Garbage call: 845-297-8773 X 1 or email: Questions relative to Water call: 845-297-8773 X 8 or X 1 or email: or Questions relative to Vital Records such as Death Certificates, Marriage License’s…

Residential Garbage District

Scheduled pick-up is on Wednesdays unless it is one of the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Garbage is delayed by one day. The following are rules and regulations for the Residential Garbage District: Household garbage must be placed in container provided by Royal…

Police Department

Our Mission The mission of the Wappingers Falls Police Department, in partnership with the community, is to protect life and property, to understand and serve the needs of the village’s neighborhoods, and to improve the quality of life by building capacities to maintain order, resolve problems, and apprehend criminals in a fair and impartial manner…